Wednesday 29 February 2012

No Fishing Sign Clip Art
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OH. MY. GOD!!! today is my last day so no more fish eating for me!!! YOUPIII!!!!!!! as u can see im really happy, content over all juss happy tht these two weeks are over...i mean the most recent experience with fish was soooo awful...u juss hv no idea im never gonna eat fish again....
Well i mite eat the first fish i tried cuz honestly it wasnt tht bad even the second but out of three main fishes i ate the most awful one was salmon which ironically is the one i was expecting to love the really strange how things work out...
Anyways i think my journey isnt as successful as i expected it to be cuz i thought i wudve been a bit more comfortable with fish but i dont really feel tht way i guess if u were supposed to grade my "successfulness" i think i wudve gotten like lower than 50%....but i wudnt redo this to get a higher grade so for this one time i think im fine failing, in my success kind of way not for the actual mark...
Well i guess u cud say now tht these two weeks are over my relationship with fish is restored.... and the world is back into balance... :P

Tuesday 28 February 2012


Hey guys i bet ur all as exicted as me tht these 2 weeks are gonna be over soon...well for the ones who were kinda gettin tortured...anyways i had fish today again it was salmon (eww...) but this past week i think i had a bit of tuna so i kinda had other stuff than salmon...and i also realized tht when i usually eat fish i get this real awkward feeling like idk its juss strange like my heart so doesnt want to eat tht stuff so its like getting closed or something but my brain is like u hv to do this...n so cuz of fish theres this really strong battle goin on inside of me...strange, absurd, bizarrre, and a bit weird...
Today im real proud tht i ate fish without staring at it forever i ate it faster...well i started eating it faster but then i slowed took me quite awhile...anyways this time i was actually expecting this really tasty n yummy taste or like some wud same enriched with deliciousness cuz u know it was salmon...but when it came in my mouth ( dear god dont ever want to do tht again) it was sooo awful like i really wanted to puke...EWWWW!!!!! but i had to go through this thing....n the worse thing was tht my dad gave me like the biggest piece ever cuz usually i had the smallest piece...thts not really cheating is it? anywhoo i had to eat my piece tht was probably really...GINORMOUS!!! the taste was getting worse with every bite... :(
I didnt even finish my piece i gave it to my mom which is kinda funny cuz before she was all like u better eat all of tht piece or ur gonna get a beating!!! (as if...)  huh...u see how much they take it seriously...anyways i think i failed today cuz i wasnt able to eat it all but oh well atleast i did eat it a bit like almost all of it but left a bunch of it out.... :P 

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Water,Water, Everywhere!!

Today i ate fish for the second time (OMG!!!) i dont really know the fish's name but i think it was called pammphlet fish or not so sure...anywhoo i improved cuz it took me less time to start eating the fish before it took me like 10 minutes now it took me like 6 or 8 ya i kinda improved
At first,again i was expecting a disgusting taste but again it was pretty good...i actually think im beginning to appreciate fish like actually not hating it but not at the point of actully loving it ya know? But i guess i'd eat it when someone wat i did was tht i took a bite and then i juss mixed up with some rice so the taste kinda got camouflaged...but i hated the part when i kinda felt the skin while i was chewing it n i kinda felt like spittiing it out but i had to go through it..i had to...n the strangest thing is that im sacred of water n the animal im mostly afriad is the shark which is also in the water...huh...looks like i have a weird connection with water wud've been totally strange if i was in water house but im in EARTH!! : ) .... anyways... 
Now my objective is to eat something "fishy"...any suggestions? i was thinking octopus...but i also have this other idea tht like on the weekend or something we'll organize a total seafood dinner or something like nothing else other seafood and something to drink...wat do u think?  

Sunday 19 February 2012

Something's Fishy...

Well today i actually ate fish for the first time in my life...well i ate tuna but tht doesnt really count...anyways i ate the fish called basa with some spices and lemon on much as i hate to admit it it was pretty...good...
It was pretty hard for me to eat fish a.) cuz well its fish n i never ate in my life b.) cuz my brother was staring  at me like it was some kind of miracle and c.) cuz it felt like the fish was staring at me o.0
It took me like 5 minutes to start eating the fish i juss kept staring at brother was getting annoyed tht i hadnt started eating the fish yet so i ate the first "bouché" in pressure...i was expecting a really nasty taste like the smell but my first thought was that it tasted like chicken and then i started tasting the fish n it got better n better but at one point at the end i starting losing the taste for some reason... 
But i guess i learned something from today is tht never judge food by its smell cuz it mite end up really tasty and yummy...or maybe the other way around... 

Thursday 16 February 2012


Today is my first day of my journey, but i didnt start eating fish yet...anyways my relationship with fish isnt exactly "peaceful"...whenever my parents cook fish well i keep my distances from it...if its on the table i juss go to the other end or go eat in the living room...I HATE IT!!!! and now ill hv to eat for 2 weeks well try eating it
Well my expectations from this journey aren't that many well cuz i dont think ill like fish even after this journey... i mite like it a bit i mean tht i mite eat if someone offers but not by choice like id eat lasagna for example
For the first few days im gonna try to eat fish in a sandwich, and then im gonna go up step by step, and then in the end im gonna try eating something totally "fishy" like octupus or squid or whatever
Well ive got a theory into why i dont like eating fish...cuz of the smell i guess its the only reason why i dont eat fish...or anything tht smells bad....anyways tomorrow ill start to eat fish...unfortunately...i really dont want to eat fish.... :(