Sunday 19 February 2012

Something's Fishy...

Well today i actually ate fish for the first time in my life...well i ate tuna but tht doesnt really count...anyways i ate the fish called basa with some spices and lemon on much as i hate to admit it it was pretty...good...
It was pretty hard for me to eat fish a.) cuz well its fish n i never ate in my life b.) cuz my brother was staring  at me like it was some kind of miracle and c.) cuz it felt like the fish was staring at me o.0
It took me like 5 minutes to start eating the fish i juss kept staring at brother was getting annoyed tht i hadnt started eating the fish yet so i ate the first "bouché" in pressure...i was expecting a really nasty taste like the smell but my first thought was that it tasted like chicken and then i started tasting the fish n it got better n better but at one point at the end i starting losing the taste for some reason... 
But i guess i learned something from today is tht never judge food by its smell cuz it mite end up really tasty and yummy...or maybe the other way around... 

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