Thursday 16 February 2012


Today is my first day of my journey, but i didnt start eating fish yet...anyways my relationship with fish isnt exactly "peaceful"...whenever my parents cook fish well i keep my distances from it...if its on the table i juss go to the other end or go eat in the living room...I HATE IT!!!! and now ill hv to eat for 2 weeks well try eating it
Well my expectations from this journey aren't that many well cuz i dont think ill like fish even after this journey... i mite like it a bit i mean tht i mite eat if someone offers but not by choice like id eat lasagna for example
For the first few days im gonna try to eat fish in a sandwich, and then im gonna go up step by step, and then in the end im gonna try eating something totally "fishy" like octupus or squid or whatever
Well ive got a theory into why i dont like eating fish...cuz of the smell i guess its the only reason why i dont eat fish...or anything tht smells bad....anyways tomorrow ill start to eat fish...unfortunately...i really dont want to eat fish.... :( 


  1. I really like your design and I hope you learn to like fish...have fun!

  2. I hope you enjoy your 2 weeks of fish. Maybe you'll learn to like it:)

  3. Cool background and i dont like fish either.... soooo gd luck! :)

  4. i hate fishy fish also, your not alone !

  5. i hate fishy fish also, your not alone !

  6. I hope you end up liking it, because its really good:)

  7. fish is good for you, it provides you with the proteins you need. You might also observe an improvement in your marks
