Tuesday 21 February 2012

Water,Water, Everywhere!!

Today i ate fish for the second time (OMG!!!) i dont really know the fish's name but i think it was called pammphlet fish or something...im not so sure...anywhoo i improved cuz it took me less time to start eating the fish before it took me like 10 minutes now it took me like 6 or 8 minutes...so ya i kinda improved
At first,again i was expecting a disgusting taste but again it was pretty good...i actually think im beginning to appreciate fish like actually not hating it but not at the point of actully loving it ya know? But i guess i'd eat it when someone offers...today wat i did was tht i took a bite and then i juss mixed up with some rice so the taste kinda got camouflaged...but i hated the part when i kinda felt the skin while i was chewing it n i kinda felt like spittiing it out but i had to go through it..i had to...n the strangest thing is that im sacred of water n the animal im mostly afriad is the shark which is also in the water...huh...looks like i have a weird connection with water o.0...it wud've been totally strange if i was in water house but im in EARTH!! : ) .... anyways... 
Now my objective is to eat something "fishy"...any suggestions? i was thinking octopus...but i also have this other idea tht like on the weekend or something we'll organize a total seafood dinner or something like nothing else other seafood and something to drink...wat do u think?  


  1. Nice blog!
    Fish isn't really that bad, I usually eat it w/out staring at it, and it tastes pretty good.
    Well try just like eating the fish w/out staring at it.
    Hmm.. suggestion? Ehh how about salmon? fried ones would be good! =D Or maybe even try sushii, but the one that contains fish in it! (:

  2. I love your blog... and i hate fish never ever gonna try it :)

  3. im proud of you! fish is good!:)

  4. Real easy fish to try would be tuna, put it in a bowl with a bit of mayonnaise and then slap it on bread. Add lettuce salt pepper tomato slices and VOILA! An amazing tuna sandwich.
